
SACC enjoys several unique advantages in the retail space. SkySales has been cultivated into one of the Kingdom’s most trusted
brands, a well-known source of genuine, high-quality and often limited-edition goods that provides an unmatched level of customer satisfaction and after-sales service. In the year ahead we will build on this legacy even further. We will take additional steps to curate our
product line-up, working directly with top designers and high-end brands to create more exclusive offerings for Retail customers and to ensure we remain early to market with coveted new releases. 

The robust delivery and logistics infrastructure we have set up around SkySales online will allow us to expand further into the local market. We are also keenly aware of the potential of mobile e-commerce, and have developed a SkySales app in response to provide a further point of access for our customers. Our emerging focus on electronic retail has been accompanied by the deployment of additional technology resources that will support this transformation and allow us to seize on the
opportunities that result

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