Since our inception in 1981, SACC has rigorously pursued its fundamental mission: helping clients develop and deliver hospitality concepts and services of the highest standards, based on our core values of commitment to quality, cost effectiveness, teamwork and dedication to customers. While maintaining our leading position in the domestic airlines catering industry, we are also committed to a strategy of diversification to seize emerging growth opportunities, reduce reliance on a single revenue stream and generate additional value for our shareholders and employees this include;

  • Mission
  • Values
  • Strategies


To excel as a market leader through continual process improvement, innovation, and timely response for our Customers’ best interest.



  • Customer Orientation
  • Team Spirit
  • Transparency
  • Sustainability
  • Commitment to Quality


  • We are committed to internationally recognized standards and local required regulations
  • We ensure integrated safety culture in our organization
  • We are committed to the stakeholder’s interest
  • We remain committed to exceed customers’ expectations
  • We maintain competitiveness
  • We support and develop our human resources
  • We are the preferred partner of certified suppliers

© 2022 Saudi Airlines Catering. All rights reserved.